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Bones - 8x13 - The Twist in the Plot


8x12 | 8x14

Exibido em: 28-Jan-2013

Mini Sinopse: Quando dois corpos são encontrados, Booth e Brennan tem que desvendar um crime que envolve um consultor da morte. Enquanto isso, Sweets tem que lidar com a volta da Daisy na Jeffersonian depois que eles terminaram.
Ultima edição: GláuEditar minissinopse

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Comentarios - Bones - 8x13 (98)

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Que bonitinho o final, mas senti falta do Booth mencionar o Parker ://

P.S. Lester!

2015-12-19 14:30:35Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Achei meio sem noçao o Booth deixando tudo p Bones no testamento e gravando video p Cristine, esqueceu do Parker migo???

2015-05-28 06:04:51Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Hey there, Christine. It’s me, your father. Dad, Dada, Daddy. If you’re watching this right now, I’m dead. Um, if I was a good father to you, you’re sad right now. If we had some sort of, like, falling out, let’s just forget about it and move on. It’s not worth it. You know, personally, I’m doing everything I can to get into Heaven right now, but your mother believes, well, she thinks that, I tell you what. Why don’t you ask her? It’s complicated. These are the last words that I’m going to-to speak in this world. I like God. I really like God, and I think that he likes me. you know I, um, I love Canadian beer, and hockey. They kinda go hand in hand. I really love loud music and really sad music. I love this country. And I’m proud to have served in the military. I’m the luckiest man in the world because I got to spend time with your mother. And with you.And that’s true, you know? It’s true, whether I died today or 50 years from now. It’s true. Okay? I love you. And I want you to love life. Dive into life. Be courageous. Question things and be happy. And don’t forget to laugh. Oh, and one last favor. Help your mom to be happy, because if she’s alone, then she’s gonna forget. That’s it. That’s…from me, to you.

2014-02-01 20:25:04Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Não gosto da Daisy... Tomara que ela e o Sweets não voltem. Aliás, PERFEITA a colocação da Cam:

"Já viu alguma coisa voltar à vida e ser tão boa como sempre foi? Portanto, fique triste. Chore. Você perdeu algo maravilhoso, mas siga em frente." - SAROYAN, Camille. (2)

2013-02-17 23:09:55Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
A Bones de trancinha, pijama, correndo ate o Booth descalça na pontinha dos pés e abraçando ele daquele jeito, deixou essa cena final ainda mais fofuxa <3

2015-01-26 22:17:50Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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