Área dos fãs - Gilmore Girls

It's all any of us wants; to find a nice person to hang out with 'til we drop dead. Not a lot to ask!
"And if eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right."
lots of coffee
Think how dull your life would be without me.
séries em cidades pequenas tudo pra mim
"Tudo que a gente quer é isto: encontrar uma pessoa legal pra passar o tempo até a gente morrer. Não estamos pedindo muito!"
Sabe aquele ditado ''menos é mais''? Gilmore Girls é a prova disso, é extremamente prazeroso acompanhar o cotidiano desses personagens incríveis.
It's a lifestyle. It's a religion.
"-Do you like coffee?" "-Only with my oxygen."
As Gilmore são as melhores!
"I don't like mondays, but unfortunately they come around eventually."
You've been Gilmored
Não fez parte da minha infância, mas me ganhou na fase adulta e merece ser amada por seus personagens tão reais e por Stars Hollow — tão maravilhosa!
Where you lead, I'll follow you, anywhere...
"Tal mãe, tal filha!"
we're almost there and nowhere near it. all that matters is that we're going! (te amo lorelai) ♥ in omnia paratus ☂️
Who could not like being kissed by a Gilmore girl?
I need coffe in an IV.
''You've been Gilmored'' - Lorelai Gilmore
Muito lindo ver essa relação, de acompanhar Rory crescendo e torcendo por ela e Lorelai. Uma das séries mais fofas que já vi.
In omnia paratus.
In omnia paratus ☂️
Como não se apaixonar?
Quer assistir uma série na Netflix comigo? Tem sete temporadas.
Coffee, please, and a shot of cynicism.
Where you lead, I'll follow
“Eu odeio cedo. Cedo deve morrer!” La La La ♪ ♫
"I need coffee in IV"
you looked it up
"Coffee, Please, And A Shot Of Cynicism"
A 1ª série da minha vida, cresci assistindo várias e várias vezes, e influenciou d+ em minha vida, me identifico com a Rory, me ensinou mtas coisas.
"Lorelai Gilmore: desapontando mães desde 1968."
''You've been here less than twenty-four hours and already I wanna kill you.''
"As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I'm totally flexible."
"So... It's a show?” “It's a lifestyle.” “It's a religion."
Minha série favorita, me identifico demais com as Gilmore Girls e adoraria morar naquela cidade maluca.
Life's short. Talk fast.
Can I just date Lorelai please?
"Jesus, Mary, Joseph and a camel! This is really bad coffee."
"Life is short, talk fast."
"So... It's a show? It's a lifestyle. It's a RELIGION."
"You're not serious?" "Not often, but just there yeah, I had some serious going."
if you’re out on the road, feeling lonely and so cold
Série favorita da vida ♥
where you lead, I will follow.
I don't like Mondays, but unfortunately they come around eventually.
All you have to do is call my name and I'll be there, on the next train ♪

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