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Seven Seconds By RobertaCR

Episodio 1x1 - Nota 8 2018-02-23 18:31:06

''-Have a good night.
-Whatever. Go fuck yourself.''

Jesus, se esse episódio já pareceu durar 3 horas, não quero nem ver como vai ser os outros hauhauhaua Pra que todo esse tempo? Vamo com calma, Netflix

Episodio 1x2 - Nota 8 2018-02-23 22:09:53

O que está me incomodando na série é o fato de estar super parada, tipo, até o início de BrBa era mais agitado hahaha Não precisava estender o ep por uma hora, certeza que 40 mins fariam o trabalho, ficariam bem mais dinâmico e prenderia muito mais o público. Eu mesma perdi algumas coisas olhando o celular e tive que voltar kkk mas isso porque no final, estou interessada pelo plot, mas a maior parte das pessoas simplesmente desistiria. Acho que este está sendo o grande erro dessa série

Episodio 1x3 - Nota 8 2018-02-24 14:48:48

''You're assuming that Brenton was affiliated. Wonder how many innocents people are locked up 'cause of that kind of myopic thinking.''

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 8.5 2018-02-24 18:54:07

Mas eu quero muito ver o Diangelo sendo preso

Episodio 1x5 - Nota 9 2018-02-25 15:40:14

''I don't care about that woman's son.''
Caralho, mas ela é pior que ele, cê tá louco...

Episodio 1x6 - Nota 8.5 2018-02-25 20:50:22

''You son of a bitch! This is how you want to play it? I know about you, about the Five Kings. Been looking at your unit's arrest records. I know what a piece of shit you are, and now everyone's gonna know it too, what's the unit's doing, greasing your pockets with drug money.''

Episodio 1x7 - Nota 9.5 2018-02-26 16:45:12

''You want to hear some shit? If I die overseas I'm a hero. And if I catch a bullet in my own streets, I'm a thug. And ain't neither one of those the truth.''

Nossa, que delícia ver eles sendo presos, manooo

Episodio 1x8 - Nota 9 2018-02-28 20:45:45

''Welcome to the criminal justice system. Nobody gives a fuck about the truth.''

Caralho, que agonia esse final. O que foram aqueles gritos dela? Nossa, mas como eu quero ver todos eles pagando aaaaa mas tá dando muito medo deles serem inocentados

Episodio 1x9 - Nota 9 2018-03-03 14:10:23

Mano, que nervoso aaaaaa

''You know, when I was growing up I always thought that... nothing gonna touch my family and then something happens. And then you realize. I was different and I believe and I have faith. So you always thinking you're protected... nothing gonna touch me... Because it ain't just happening to me. It ain't just happen' to my son. It's happening to black boys all over.''

Episodio 1x10 - Nota 9.5 2018-03-03 22:31:52

Queria agradecer por esse episódio ter respondido a pergunta que eu me venho fazendo desde o primeiro ep: Por que diabos o nome da série é Seven Seconds? hahahah

''I went to the park this morning, to the place where Brenton Butler lay dying. I wanted to imagine what I felt as I watched the first light of the morning come, and the last light of day fade away. As I lay there, in that ditch for 12 hours wondering what? For his mother, and for his father, it's a terrible thing to have to imagine, and not even know, but imagine, your child's last seconds. 'Did he cry out for me?' 'Did he wonder why I did not come?' 'Why did not one do?'. This is what we know: The defendant's blue Ford Escape collided with the victim's bike on an icy road on the morning of February 15th. The grille guard from Peter Jablonski's car, in addition to his own testimony, are proof of this. Ladies and gentlemen, the State submits you have no other choice but to find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of death by auto. Peter Jablonski testified that after hitting Brenton Butler and exiting his vehicle, he saw everything as he stood on the road next to his car was the Statue of Liberty. I want you to remember how I described that his torch was lit up like a beacon in the sun. And now I want you to think about the crime scene photos that I've shown you over the course of this trial. This morning I too stood on that road, in the exact same spot the defendant stood. It's impossible to see the Statue of Liberty from the road. It is completely blocked. This is the view from the edge of the ditch. So Peter Jablonski could only have seen the Statue of Liberty if he stood at the edge of the ditch, which means he saw Brenton Butler. How long did he stand there? How many seconds did I look down at Brenton? One second? Two seconds? Three? Four? Five? Six seconds? Seven seconds Peter Jablonski walked away. And Brenton Butler died. When he could have lived Would he have walked away if Brenton were white? Would you? You must also consider this a hate crime, because there is a bigger crime, a bigger problem. We have a problem, and our country has a problem. Our children are dying, in plain sight, left like roadkill on our playgrounds, our streets, and our sidewalks. Turn on the news. Open to paper. And read their names. Each is a clear message to every black woman, man, and child that our lives and our bodies have no value. So how many names are enough, before we, before you say, "Enough"? The defendant said that he never saw Brenton Butler. I'd like you to see Brenton now. And not how he died, but how he lived. See those seconds near that icy road. Before a car met a boy on a bike. See the sky above and the earth below. And in these last seconds of a life, see how beautiful it is, how endless and precious is his life. Do you see him? Then let Brenton know his life mattered.''
Manoooo, quanta injustiça, puta merda
É muito depressivo o quão verdadeiro esse final é. Eu estava torcendo demais para que eles virassem o jogo no final, e todos eles fossem presos (principalmente o puto do DiAngelo), mas nós sabemos que não é isso que acontece de verdade. Não é isso que acontece todos os dias. E é muito frustrante... até agora estou com um nó na garganta.

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